The Order of Things – What Happens in a Kundalini Yoga Class?

massage room with pink and white theme

“Keep the teachings as given. Each kriya is whole unto itself, a perfect jewel that acts to create a flow. [Kriyas] are perfectly designed sets meant to produce predictable and subtle impacts on the total Self.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga is more than just exercise to stimulate the body. This yoga moves energy! KY is all about having an energetic experience. It is important to deliver the teachings correctly to produce expected results. How can we be pure vessels for the teachings if we mess around with the formula? It is specific and proven. It ain’t called a science for nothing!

To give you a bit of background, Kundalini Yoga classes have a specific 6-part teaching structure to follow, as outlined below.

  1. Tune in with the Adi Mantra
  2. Pranayam (breath work) and/or appropriate warm-up
  3. The Kriya (the exercise set)
  4. Relaxation
  5. Meditation
  6. Ending prayer and Long Sat Naams

Within this teaching structure is a critical piece involving the third point, the Kriya. The critical piece is not to omit or alter the Kriya in any way other than duration.

That means that we teach the exact sequence of exercises in each set. We do not change the order or add or subtract poses. Kundalini Yoga is a science to bring a specific outcome. Don’t mess with what works.

Another important point to acknowledge is that we really are honor-bound to maintain the integrity and sacredness of the Kundalini Yoga Teachings, especially now that Yogi Bhajan has passed on. It is the legacy of every teacher to preserve the purity of the teachings.

The system and techniques are proven to work. Period. Why be so arrogant as to think that you should change them? Can you do any better than perfection? Yogi Bhajan tells us, “It is a three-thousand-year-old proven path – it’s not going to stop.” So stick with the program…because it works. The only way you’ll reach Infinity is to give yourself the capacity to experience the teachings as they were meant to be taught.

©Copyright 2010 Kundalini Yoga With Sharlene Starr. All Rights Reserved.

Source by Sharlene Starr

Ayur Heal Clinic and Hospital.

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